Monday, May 28, 2007

50th post: The Moon

Wow! I have hit my 50th post here! Lolz.

I just happened to read something about the moon. You know the phrase 'once in a blue moon'? Well, there is actually a real blue moon!

Check that out. It's something to do with two full moons in a month, therefore the second full moon is called blue moon. It's not something impossible, just that it's rare. And there are other facts about blue moon too! As in why the moon appears to be blue, how the phrase 'once in a blue moon' originated. I find it rather interesting.

After reading that article, I went on to click on the top 10 cool moon facts. To save trouble, let me list out the 10 facts here:

10. The moon was created when a rock the size of Mars slammed onto Earth. Ouch!

9. We always see the same face of the moon. Don't get what I meant? I mean, after so many thousand years, human have only seen the same side of the moon. The timing of the moon's rotation and Earth's rotation only allows us to see the very same side of the moon. Wonderful!

8. More than 400 trees were from the moon. They claim that some scientist carried some 400 seeds and were protecting those seeds. After that it was germinated and then someone planted all those seeds, therefore we got moon trees. Lolz

7. The moon has been slammed with thousands of asteroids. A punching bag!

6. Earth has another moon, a sister moon. Some scientist claims that Cruithne is another moon, and it takes 770 years to complete its horse shoe shaped orbit. I don't get to see it, do I?

5. The moon is not a sphere, it's an egg shaped... erh... thing?

4. There are moon quakes. And on some occasion there is gas coming out of the cracked surface.

3. The moon is a planet, as some scientist claim so. No more longer a planet, since Pluto has been demoted, am I right?

2. The tides are being controlled by the moon. When the Sun, moon and Earth are on the same line, spring tides (higher than normal tides) occurs. Because the moon's orbit is not a perfect circle, the moon is closer to Earth at some point. When this occurs, it's call perigee. The srping tides during this time is exceptionally high, and being called none other than the perigean spring tide. One more thing, all this pulling and tugging caused Earth to slow down 1.5 miliseconds every century. Gosh! Who's so free to count every second in a 100 years?! =p

1. Moon is a thief! Haha... The moon steals Earth's rotational energy to propel itself 3.8 centimeters higher in its orbit. Don't get the idea? Well, when the moon was formed, it was about 14000 miles from Earth; now, it's 280000 miles from Earth! Wow! Moon is a very very old grandpa, am I not right? 70000 years old grandpa! =p

Gosh, those are wonderful facts of moon, right? Well, the moon is more mysterious than you think it is. I got to know about this through my friend who was doing a thesis about the moon for ENL 102. Scientist still debate whether the moon is natural or it's being placed by some other intelligent beings from somewhere else, but it doesn't really matters to me as it still hang up in the sky. Wouldn't it be odd to see a sky without moon on the fifthteen day of the chinese lunar calendar (sap mmm)? Without the moon, we won't have the mooncake festival, don't you think so? Therefore, let us all bask in the moon's glory. =)

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