Monday, November 17, 2008

Amazing weekend!

I had an amazing weekend. Amazing.
First up, we went out for dinner at a German restaurant and bar. Dinner was fine, everyone shared a huge platter, and we get to sample a bit of everything, including their famous pork shank, which was very good. A few sips of beer to wash down the food and we head over to the next location.
The next location, Iowa's very own local casino, Praire Meadows. Yeap, I am making full use of my legal age now!! I played a little poker at the poker room, which is a pleasant experience. No, I did not win any money, but at least I know what it feels like to play in the casino.
After that, we went to the Grand Piano Bistro. I got myself a bottle of beer, and we managed to get a table in the filled bistro. Just as we were chatting over a beer, two guys went up the stage to continue their piano duet. Playing songs requested from the audience, they were a blast. I must say, understanding between them is amazing. While one is entertaining the crowd, the other one is playing some background music; they even know when they want to stop and let the crowd sing along! Wonderful. I really enjoyed it, not because of the alcohol, which I only had one bottle of beer, but because of the live performance and the atmosphere.
The next day, I head over to my boss place. The best part, I got to learn how to shoot a gun!! Two gun as a matter of fact. First is a small calibre gun, easy to handle, easy to hit the target. It was a rifle, and it was quite fun. After a few rounds, we up the fire power. We shot a 9mm Glock, and it was amazing. Squeeze the trigger, hear the shot, hit the target, exhilarating!! And yes, the bullet shell is what I took for souvenier, something for me to remember my first time ever shooting a gun.
To sum out such an amazing weekend, we had some pho tai bo vien (vietnamese beef noodles) after some wrestling and MMA. It was wonderful, and by far the best weekend for this whole semester! =D

Friday, November 7, 2008

孤单,寂寞,勇气,伤害。。。 =(

好就没用话语写一篇“作文”了。。 不知如何,今天我有点想用华语来表达我的心情。

今天,一大清早就开始下雪,真的是令我感觉很孤单,寂寞。有时真的会觉得自己很傻: 明明知道是错,知道是会受伤害,但我还埋着头,继续错下去。。。 可能这是我盲目的一边吧,也许这是我骗自己的梦想,但我很清楚知道这条路将来是会让我自己感得很痛苦。

可能今早在巴士上听着悲伤的歌曲吧,所已我才想太多,或许应该说我想得比较仔细。。 无论如何,我已经是可以猜测到将来会发生什么事。。可能这样也好,至少可以给我一个心理准备。。

是不是太多时间和下雪的关系令我想这些我不想要面对的事情,我不太清楚。。。 但是昨天的谈话令我深深的想我是否应该这么做。。答案我还不太清楚,但是我可以对自己说这会是一个很难很难做的事情。。 一边的我不想放手,另一边就知道越早放手越好。。。唉,叫我应该如何呢??


可能我应该学过路人,选美好的回忆,把伤心的一切从今抹掉。但是我有没有这一股勇气呢?我还不知道... anyone care to help?