Well, I don't know it is just me or not, but I seem to notice more and more female smokers lately. And, AND, most of them are actually quite pretty! OMG!!
I just can't understand it! Why do they have to smoke? I bet they do know that it shortens their life, yet they still light up and puff like a chimney in winter. Sigh.
Back to the point that they are actually quite pretty. Yes, I must admit that they are pretty, but yet they are not pretty enough to the point where smoking is permitted to me. To me, except that you are so pretty till your face start appearing in billboards and magazine cover, something like America's Next Top Model, then I would understand why you smoke. It is due to the stress posed to you. Some may say that smoking does not ease the stress, but to me, that pretty face might just be enough to erase the fact that you smoke. =p
Too bad, I have not seen (face to face) any girl here in Malaysia that is so so captivating; so so pretty till she can be the next top model. Blame me that I don't visit clubs and bars, but that will be stereotyping all models and local celebrities as people who frequent these places, won't it be?
Anyway, it isn't for me to judge them, is it? It's their own life, and they themselves will suffer or enjoy it, therefore it does not matter to me that much, does it? Unless she is my girlfriend/wife then it will be a different case, wouldn't it? If only we can order our partner like how we choose to custom make a car or shoe or whatever.
dreams* I would love to have a... long haired, captivating eyes, cheeks that is similiar to those few lucky friends of mine (no need to maintain yet no pimples whatsoever!!), probably with dimples? Someone who is confident with her body, you know, don't always complain that she's fat or whatsoever. Someone who knows how to dress appropriately (according to occasion that is), etc etc... *slap* Oops!! I wonder too much didn't I? Sorry! Gosh!! I sound so... perverted! So... evil! I don't mean to, and I don't want to! I think everyone might just love the idea or choosing or customizing their partner like what they do for cars or house or whatever, am I not right? I do treat girls (and guys of course!) with utmost respect. Trust me, I don't treat girls like they are just another asset or anything. Girls are wonderful, aren't they? Without them, I wouldn't be here crapping! =p Yeah man, girls rock! Love them! Hahaha...
Anyway, if this post offend you or anything, do tell me. Comment or a message at the side, I might justify my stand, or might as well take this down. Hahahaa... So long, adioz!