Sunday, April 1, 2007

Cheng Beng in Malacca

I went to Malacca today for a one day trip. Well, the main purpose is because it's Cheng Beng. Basically it's a day where relatives gather to clean their deceased's grave yard. My grandmother and grandfather was cremated and their ashes were placed in a temple near my third uncle's house. It's really interesting to see so many chinese, or rather Buddhist, converge in several spots to give offerings to their deceased. And my oh my, the offerings are not a joke!! So many different kinds of foods offered by different people, ranging from chicken to rice and also chinese tea and many more. If you feel hungry, it's not a good place to be in as you will start to salivate!! XD I wanted to take pictures while waiting in the temple. But since its a holy place, it's better not to take pictures as to respect the deads and the gods. I saw someone who seems familiar to me as well. Yeah yeah, it's a SHE. Lolz. She's quite pretty, and will be even more pretty when her braces come off. If I am not mistaken, she's my junior from my high school SMK Seafield.

Anyway, Buddhist have created a unique and interesting way of asking the dead questions like "Have you finished eating the meal?" or "Do you know we are here?". This sort of "yes" or "no" question are answered by throwing two cresent shaped wood, one side flat and the other side curved. If different sides are shown means the answer is "yes" and if not means "no". Therefore, we spent about an hour waiting for my grandmother and grandfather to finish "eating" their meal. After burning some kam si chi, or joss paper used as money in the other world, we left the temple to get some fresh air instead of constantly inhaling smoke from burning joss sticks.

It is somehow interesting that so many people come together on a single day just to clean up their deceased's grave. Anyhow, I don't think I will be able to experience this again next year as I would be in the States.


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