Thursday, September 13, 2007

Today's topic -- Weather.

People here say there's a lot to talk about the weather. I was skeptical at it at first, but later found out that it was quite true.

I was at the health center the other day to get consultation for my worsening cough. The first thing the receptionist said to me was, "it's cold out there, isn't it?" Boy oh boy, it WAS freezing! In between my coughs, I replied, "it sure is!" Guess what she say? "This is only the beginning, young man." O. M. G. Beginning?! It's already 10 Celsius and it's only the beginning? Sigh.

The next day, it was still freezing, just minus the rain. I got into Bell Center for basketball in the evening, and mentioned it was cold outside. The guy at the front desk said, "that's cold? There's more to come! And today ain't cold dude!" Sigh. Looks like I'll need to get use to the weather here as soon as possible! I wonder what will happen if I were to go back to Malaysia for tropical weather. Lolz.

Today's weather isn't too bad. For those who live in Malaysia, today's weather is slightly colder than Genting Highlands, or rather Cameron Highlands nowadays. I am not too sure about the temperature today, but it shouldn't deviate too much from the past few days.

There's one more thing about the weather here. The temperature fluctuates quite a bit between the days and the nights compared to Malaysia. I guess the main reason is the lack of clouds. And why there's a lack of clouds? Well, I was walking with a few of my friends the other day and we came up with a few theories.

First, no people dry their clothes out on the line here like Malaysia, therefore there's a lack in water evaporation to create clouds. Crappy and funny theory. Lolz.

Next, and makes more sense, Iowa is not surrounded or bordered by the sea unlike Selangor back in Malaysia. The lack of water surrounding Iowa will lead to a decrease in evaporation, and therefore lack of clouds. Sounds similar to the desert? Well, quite true, just that we do get rain fall here, although the rain fall can be a whole day! We call that chang ming yu in Mandarin, don't we?

There were one or two more crappy theories which came up, and we ended up having a good laugh. I can't seem to recall what were the other theories, but it sure was a good joke! =)

Well, there you go. Who says we can't talk much about the weather here in Iowa? I have a whole post on it! Try talking about the weather in Malaysian bus stops to some stranger, I'll bet you get some quizzical looks! Lolz.

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