Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Penang trip

I am back from Penang! Well, not exactly today, not yesterday either. Yes, I was back on Sunday, but only blogging it today. I was busy with computer software and other stuffs, therefore never blog. =p

People said Penang drivers are reckless and crazy, and so there I was, smack right in the middle of Penang, and there I witness how amazing drivers can be. Lol. And I thought Kuala Lumpur's drivers are crazy, but how wrong I am. Yes, Penang drivers are the undisputed champion crazy drivers. Lol. Not that this is a good title, but I really can't help it when I got a taste of the drivers there!

Besides the driving, I managed to eat some famous food there. I didn't have enough time to eat so much, but at least I did get to eat. Wahaha... After all, Penang is Malaysia's food haven, isn't it? =D

Well, that's about it now. Have to continue with some stuffs, adioz!

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