Thursday, September 25, 2008


What a week I must say! First, I have three tests. Next, all three tests is on the same day!

That was really crazy. Having three tough test on the same day is really mind sapping. I think I did OK for the tests, but I can tell you that I definitely never score any one of it. Yes, very very sure that I did NOT score any one. =(

I went jogging after all the tests. Sadly, all the energy is gone. My usual 3 mile jog became 2 mile. Luckily the pace the did not drop. =D

Today is also Poker Night at Drake. Yes, I am in the Poker Club, and I am leading the score board. We play on a point basis system. Though I lead the score, I have yet to win one Night. =( Second and third seem to haunt me, prevent me from getting first. Tonight, I lose yet again, this time not even at the final table. =( I thought I had it, an Ace spade flush. My hand, Ace Queen spades. Man, how good can it get? Yet I lost. I lost to pocket Aces. There was an Ace on the table, and a pair of fives. Gosh, that's an Ace house! What a hand. =( Well, next week then, there's always next week. Next week, number 1 will be mine. ><

Alright, now time for some relaxation time. A bit of PS2 and then I will sleep tight before another day of work tomorrow. Adioz...

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